Wildlife and ecology should be considered in all development and land management practices. Legislation effecting how such projects should mitigate the potential of damaging actions abounds, with many procedures requiring specific licences.
More information regarding licences and guidelines related to wildlife and habitat conservation can be found here
For further information concerning UK biodiversity indicators please click on the following - Link
We recognise that for our clients completion of their project on time and in budget is of paramount importance. Poor delivery of services by contractors can seriously impede realising these goals and in many cases lead to a reduction in profitability. By working closely with consultants, managers and other contractors EcoCon consistently deliver works in a timely and efficient manner allowing you the client to do the same.
Ecology & wildlife services
Wildlife fencing
Semi-permanent reptile fencing surrounds a development site after a destructive search has taken place.
Pitfall traps can be dug in to our fence lines to aid trapping and translocation of protected species
Preliminary surveys will often identify species and habitat that will require protection at various stages or throughout the duration of a project. To achieve this, different types of fencing can be deployed. Clients could be trying to protect anything from an individual tree to a pond or habitat with Great crested newts present.
Pitfall traps can be dug in to our fence lines to aid trapping and translocation of protected species
Specialist fencing to contain, isolate or exclude wildlife plays an important role in the management of sites and reserves that are undergoing development, creation, improvement or restoration. EcoCon offer services in the supply and erection of a wide range of wildlife fencing. Ranging from newt and reptile to badger and deer. From temporary to permanent and at competitive prices. We will be happy to discuss your needs with you and suggest practical and creative solutions.
Mitigation works
Through our work we can help our clients to manage the ecological impacts of their projects.
EcoCon specialise in implementing mitigation strategies for projects efficiently, cost effectively and on time. From planting schemes to bat boxes, from ponds to wildlife fencing we can help your company or organisation meet and deliver your ecological planning and legal requirements. Our experienced ecological contractors can act as accredited agents on your organisations mitigation licences or we can arrange for full ecological cover/ input including licence application from one of our partner ecological consultancies.
Case Study – Stanley Mills, Gloucestershire
The Ecology Consultancy part of Temple group were engaged to act as consultants on a large development project in Gloucestershire.
Protected species surveys identified the potential for several protected species to be present including bats and reptiles. A method statement and mitigation strategy was devised to allow the clearance of the site to progress. This included sensitive vegetative clearance using hand tools only, the soft / sectional felling of several very large trees that could possibly harbour bats allowing further investigation by their ecologists and a destructive search of the site.
In addition to these actions they identified the need for the erection of temporary reptile fencing, identification and enhancement of a receptor site for any translocated reptiles and the erection of a bat box.
EcoCon were able to deliver all of the necessary actions identified by The Ecology Consultancy for this stage of the development, facilitating progress towards project delivery.
““EcoCon were engaged to carry out the works under supervision of our licensed ecologists. They were able to deliver the works as specified in a cost effective and efficient manner to a very high standard in what was a tight time scale due to the seasonal constraints relating to both reptiles and bats. Throughout the contract EcoCon worked closely with our ecologists to achieve the project objectives in a sensitive way”. ”
Management plans
EcoCon will be happy to deliver any or all parts of your site management plan, going forward from the conceptual stage, we can implement the initial stages of your project or become involved during any stage of your site management plan.
There may well be certain tasks within your management plan that you feel your organisation is ill equipped to deliver, in which case why not contact us to discuss your needs.